Musa the Automata /
Musa has a life of her own!
Yesterday I found the perfect place to do some tests runs, the wall of an abandoned church. I might need a more powerful laser since Chicago is just too lit up. It is hard to take a long exposure for more than 1 minute without overexposing it.
This is the process made on a longer project which attempts to draw long exposure light drawings with lasers using skyscrapers as canvas.
Laser graffiti!
The idea is simple, with a pair of servos, an arduino and a laser, draw images on the surfaces of tall buildings (oh and a long exposure camera), here some progress.
Sofia. An electromagnetic levitation clock, lamp.
The Floating Hour March 8
Progress! Fast Progress! Today we got a lot done, as youtube can show, we got the stepper motor to turn the electromagnet, normally it will turn one revolution every 12 hours (like an hour hand in a clock) but here we made it revolve every 60 seconds.