Urban Tumors is a hypothetical series of artworks emerging inside the decadent MTA infrastructure. The project was inspired by a couple of thoughts:
- Decadence of current affairs
- Vacuum as the seed for life.
- Tumors as a self generated condition
- Maintenance as art
- Increased digital shadow
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Vacuum as the seed for life
Yaxchilan Mexico
Tumors as self generated condition
Maintenance as art
Mierle Ukeles1
Mierle Ukeles1
Increased digital shadow
Decadence of MTA
Pictures 2 and 4 photo credit, Melissa Orozco
This a rendering of how the new wall might look once the tiles are maintained.
Face and neck study free 3D print model- ClayGuy
Using some quick pictures I took from the area, and using a metro card for sense of scale, I was then later able to model an approximation of the the actual tile missing.
I then removed the eyes section of the face and merged it with the brick model.
After considering milling I decided to 3D print instead. This way I could move a little faster. The CNC machine has been really busy lately.
I was actually surprised on how well the scale turned out after my basic "scan".
The actual mold was a real failure so I ended up just using the 3D print instead.
Matching color
I never realized how difficult it could be to match a color without a sample. The only samples are form photos of the station that I had and although being underground the lighting is always artificially the same. My camera showed dramatic differences between shots. I ended painting a couple of wooden blocks and comparing them against the actual bricks. Thank you to Akmyrat for his good (color blinded!!!) eye and help matching colors.
Priming and painting
Now you can go and do your own hypothetical Urban Tumor! If you actually wanted to install it you can go to Canal 6th station in NYC and find the perfect place for it. You can also modify it to replace bricks at home or to build an entire wall and divide a continent!