
Hacking the Browser final proposal by Sebastian Morales

For my final project I have two ideas. I should probably stick to one but what the heck. 

Idea no. uno!

Have you ever thought about how the future affects the present? Hmmmmm. What??? What if events happening in the future could ripple their consequences into today... I am afraid that if I keep going deeper into this subject I might start making terrible youtube videos about how the government is traveling through time to stop free thinking, free energy, elect trump and hide extraterrestrial evidence from the rest of america. 

Anyways. How would I make this into a chrome extension? in a week... "a week", I guess time has a different meaning if you can move freely through it. Ahhhh! Back to chrome extensions.

Spoiler alert: [I am not really sending messages from the future.]

What if searches from the future could show their results today? What if one day you open a new tab and see this:

Weeks later, long after you have completely forgotten about that Sri Lankan politician, you open a new tab only to be redirected to a wikipedia page:

What do I need to achieve this?

  • First learn how to use the wikipedia API, find articles and extract the description out of them
  • Store this search terms/pages in a server or a database for the future redirection. 
  • A chrome extension with basic new tab redirect
  • Some js program in the extension to decide when to redirect you to a new hint from the future, or full search. 

Idea número dos

This would combine my class of Rest Of You with Crazy DanO as well as some pcomp madness.

The idea consists of utilizing galvanic skin response sensors to constantly monitor your internet experience. If the sensor detects a rise in arousal over a define threshold, it would send a signal to the chrome extension to record the value of arousal as well as a screen recording of the active tab.  

Constant Galvanic Skin Response Measurment 

If the reading goes past a threshold save screen capture to server. Also record reading value. 

  • The most complicated part for this project, based on my expertise, might be get the arduino constantly sending values to the chrome extension. 
  • I would also need access to the tabs and all websites
  • A way to save images into a server or data base. 


Just Not Sorry by Sebastian Morales

This is a quick analysis on the Just Not Sorry Gmail Plugin chrome extension. 

What does the extension do?

It matches words or sentences as you compose emails to a list of predefined insecure words. If the match exists, the words are undefined for the user to become aware of their language use.

questions for our Guest 

One of the developers for the extension will visit today in class, here a couple of questions I have for him:

  • What is the "_metadata" folder, I wouldn't let me load the extension. 
  • Google analytics? Trying to track how many users? What kind of info do you get from this. 
  • Storage? 
  • What is going on in the script loader? Why have it instead of naming them on the manifest?
  • update_url?? In the manifest

Example of JustNotSorry in action.

Bookmarklet by Sebastian Morales

I found this amazing bookmarklet by Aram Bartholl  (FFFFFAT) that with the help of Ai Weiwei lets you say fuck off to any page with inappropriate content. 

Original photo

Drag Ai Weiwei – FUCK OFF to the bookmark bar to see it yourself!

The bookmarklet itself was inspired by another one before it, where you could see any page through Kanye vision (back in 2009).

Tools to reverse engineer bookmarklets:

Here the code:

javascript: (function() {
    kanye_sunglasses = "<a href='javascript:(function(){document.getElementById(\"glasses\").style.display=\"none\";return})();'><img src='http://datenform.de/ai-weiwei-finger.png' width='100%' heigth='100%'></a>";
    var div_popup;
    div_popup = document.createElement('div');
    div_popup.innerHTML = kanye_sunglasses;
    div_popup.id = "glasses";
    div_popup.setAttribute("style", "position:fixed;z-index:1000;top:-10px;right:0px;width:100%;height:100%;");

Here is mine bookmarklet AreTheyWatching?

Eye by http://oodigi.com/shop/eyeball-3d-model/

javascript: (function() {
    kanye_sunglasses = "<a href='javascript:(function(){document.getElementById(\"glasses\").style.display=\"none\";return})();'><img src='http://s3-ap-northeast-1.amazonaws.com/itpnyu/HackingTheBrowser/HW2/eye1.png' width='150' height='150'></a>";

    var div_popup;
    div_popup = document.createElement('div');
    div_popup.innerHTML = kanye_sunglasses;
    div_popup.id = "glasses";
    var eyeR=0;

    document.addEventListener("mousemove", mouseM);
    div_popup.setAttribute("style", "position:fixed;z-index:1000;top:-75px;left:-75px;width:150px;height:150px;transform:rotate(0rad);");
    function mouseM(e) {
      eyeR= Math.atan((e.pageY)/(e.pageX));
      div_popup.setAttribute("style","position:fixed;z-index:1000;top:-75px;left:-75px;width:150px;height:150px; transform:rotate(" + eyeR + "rad);");

    div_popup.setAttribute("style", "position:fixed;z-index:1000;top:-75px;left:-75px;width:150px;height:150px;");

Live from Kennedy Space Center by Sebastian Morales

It is this time of the history once again!!! 

Live from Kennedy Space Center, the launch of Space Shuttle Decipher is about to take place.

About the mission:

The Space Shuttle is equipped with two independent containers, each filled with close to 3.4 billion pamphlet manifestos. The manifestos are printed in single atom-thick sheets of Graphene capable of withstanding temperatures higher than the surface of our Sun, graphene is also the strongest material known today, ensuring its existence.  

Decipher is schedule to release the first container at +18:00 minutes after liftoff. Once the desired elevation is reach the first sonic detonation will take place sending the pamphlets in container 1 (C1) in a distributed cloud-sphere across the universe. Due to the physical properties of Graphene, the pamphlets are expected to last over 1.5 billion years, reaching as far as Luhman 16, the 3rd closest star to us, about 6.5 light years away.  

The second container (C2) will be stored in the ISS. Unlike C1, these manifestos have not yet been "printed" on the graphene sheets. As mayor developments here on Earth occur, batches of 10 million pamphlets will be printed and launched, keeping a physical printed floating record for the next 4 to 8 years. 

The goal of the mission is to keep records for future species (terrestrial or not) of who we where and what went wrong. This way they could Decipher what happened to humans and hopefully avoid the same fate. 

Skepticals in the mission argue that even if the records are to be found by intelligent forms of beings, they are still bound to repeat history.   

A copy of the manifesto can be found here.

Live from Kennedy Space Center:

Countdown to Launch


Missed the launch? No worries, click here. Missed it again?