As part of the show “Artists’ Tools” curated by SpecialSpecial, Tiri and I developed the Dongle Synth 2.0. It is a fully functional USB Hub enhanced with a special USB Port that will transform keystrokes form a keyboard into musical notes that can be looped and turned into wild beats.
The Dongle Synth 2.0 is will be on display at the SpecialSpecial gallery though May, although things are uncertain due to these “troubling times”.
Dongle Synth 2.0 on display at the SpecialSpecial
In response to the current situation, we partnered with Britt Mosel, the creator of the the STP:1000 Synthesizer Teapot, to jam together over the internet. The full performance is now available on instagram. Fun times!
The Dongle Synth 2.0 is now available at the website, get yours now! Only 2 units left :)